Concilio dei clan militarizzati

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view post Posted on 26/7/2011, 13:42


There was some clear indications of interest in the formation of a Military Clan Council when it was first brought up, and Arctic mentioned about it in the forums. Such a tool (gathering) could be used to discuss any LWM issues that, though important, get “lost” without appropriate discussion in the Forums, mainly because of the interference of too many parties. The project I now present to you is a simple one: creation of a normal Clan, to which each MC appoints one (or more)(1-2) representatives. The purpose: to clarify whether, in any given issue, there is a common understanding between MC’s, and, if so, be promptly able to present such an unified stand to the admins. To this effect, it is essential to have a member of the administration within the MC Council Clan. Since Arctic is a supporter of this idea, he should be the one making that bridge between MC’s and the admins. So the timeline for this project to be implemented is Arctic’s return. Furthermore, this Council is not to be created with any immediate purpose, rather than that of merely being at hand, should such a mean of communication become necessary. Many of us feel that a unified stand emerging from such a Council would be far more appreciated by players and admins alike, than any personal view posted in the Forums.

Having written the Statutes for the MC Council Clan (that I will send in the next pm), I will serve as “installation committee”, with the help of all of you who wish to aid me. I will be taking note of all your doubts, ideas and suggestions, until a final agreement is reached and the Clan is ready to be setup. Every aspect regarding the practical creation of the Clan is open; I will obviously help bring it to life, though my presence in it will solely depend on eventually being appointed to it by the Leader of my MC. As for leadership of the Clan, whoever is willing to be a candidate to that position steps up, then each MC votes and the Leader gets chosen by majority. This should be a position with some responsibilities but no special rights whatsoever.

Please read the Statutes carefully and do give me your feedback.

Thank you for your time,

(For #705 Angels and Demons, representing A&D Leader Jedi-Knight)

Vonemar proponeva che i membri per gli Steel Dragons fossimo drachenflame ed io.

Come al solito, tuttavia, le decisioni vengono prese in gruppo!
view post Posted on 26/7/2011, 13:54

Sono pienamente d'accordo con Vonemar.

Siete 2 tra i più vecchi (non di età anagrafica) membri del clan, sempre presenti (quantomeno 1-2 connessioni al giorno).
view post Posted on 26/7/2011, 13:59

Approvo anche io quanto detto da Vonemar.
view post Posted on 26/7/2011, 17:11

io avrei proposto la stessa cosa...non credo che nessuno si opporrà comunque si potrebbe aprire un piccolo sondaggio giusto per evitare future obbiezioni ed essere più formali
view post Posted on 26/7/2011, 20:30

Per completezza vi riporto il pm che ho scritto a Lord Syrian

Dear Lord Syrian,

in the name of Steel Dragnon's Clan, I'm glad to confirm our interest in participating the Council.

Anyway, my old bones are requiring some rest and this is preventing me from walking across the battlefields. For this reason I've already asked to my brothers to get in contact with you. You should receive news from Lord Aramyl and Lord Drachenflame soon. They have my full trust and the trust of the Clan.

I hope this will be reminded like the beginning of a new Era for the Empire.

May your sword be wet of the blood of your enemies,

Raul Vonemar

Draco Imperat
Omnia Ingitur

Ovviamente, senza nemmeno il bisogno di dirlo, Aramyl ha giustamente aperto questa discussione. Il sondaggio potrebbe essere una buona idea. Come sempre decideremo tutti insieme

PS: ultimamente mi collego sempre al volo e soro per loggare e fare 1 caccia ogni 10 log. Sto cercando di mettere da parte un po' d'oro per fare l'ultimo saltino come incantatore e raggiungere quel maledetto 3x10%. Scusatemi per la parziale presenza, ma il mio tempo libero è veramente poca cosa. In caso di necessità (leggasi eventi) sarò con voi fratelli Draghi

view post Posted on 28/7/2011, 18:07

Approvo pienamente la scelta.
Vi scriverei tranquillamente i motivi per i quali sono a favore della cosa, ma finirei solo col ripetere cio' che e' gia' stato scritto... :)
Fateci sapere se e come la cosa andra' avanti.
view post Posted on 2/8/2011, 21:54

Bè dire?


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